Attempted to lock an already-locked dir: Subversion issue

We tried following solutions

1. Commit Changes – change and commit changes into repository
2. File Delete – delete the files and commit the delete into repository
3. Override & update – override the local changes and update from repository

None of the above options resolved the issue, but got the same type of error messages. Followings are the error messages shown inside Eclipse while trying the above mentioned options.

Attempted to lock an already-locked dir
svn: Working copy 'E:\SpringSource\workspace-sts\QBW-Web-Base\src\main\webapp' locked
add -N E:\SpringSource\workspace-sts\QBW-Web-Base\src\main\webapp\ckeditor
Attempted to lock an already-locked dir
svn: Working copy 'E:\SpringSource\workspace-sts\QBW-Web-Base\src\main\webapp' locked
add -N E:\SpringSource\workspace-sts\QBW-Web-Base\src\main\webapp\ckeditor
Attempted to lock an already-locked dir
svn: Working copy 'E:\SpringSource\workspace-sts\QBW-Web-Base\src\main\webapp' locked

Use Cleanup command

Subversion:Team-CleanupSubversion supports a command named "Cleanup"; it is used to release the locks on a project.

If you have faced with the above issue while no one has locked the project files, you can run this command and resolve the issue.
You do this in Eclipse by right clicking the project; then Team->Cleanup as shown in the image.