Adding reCAPTCHA to your site

Site key
Use this in the HTML code your site serves to users.
Secret key
Use this for communication between your site and Google. Be sure to keep it a secret.
Step 1: client-side integration
Paste this snippet before the closing </head> tag on your HTML template:<script src=''></script>Paste this snippet at the end of the <form> where you want the reCAPTCHA widget to appear:<div class="g-recaptcha" data-sitekey="6LfLjiATAAAAADXJuTJ6E4RCfqPFBIkSBNq_Bvj9"></div>The reCAPTCHA documentation site describes more details and advanced configurations.
Step 2: Server side integration
When your users submit the form where you integrated reCAPTCHA, you’ll get as part of the payload a string with the name “g-recaptcha-response”. In order to check whether Google has verified that user, send a POST request with these parameters:
secret (required) 6LfLjiATAAAAAO3t3z5JmhZyIUuU019tlHLrlblP
response (required) The value of ‘g-recaptcha-response’.
remoteip The end user’s ip address.
The reCAPTCHA documentation site describes more details and advanced configurations.

Key Settings

Delete Key
(one per line)
(one per line)
Advanced Settings
Easiest for usersMost secure(some security features turned off)(all security features turned on)

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