Bean ‘ref’ vs. ‘local’ elements and attribute.

The bean name in the <ref> element’s bean attribute can be a reference to any bean in the IoC container, even if it’s not defined in the same XML configuration file. If you are referring to a bean in the same XML file, you should use the local attribute, as it is an XML ID reference. Your XML editor can help to validate whether a bean with that ID exists in the same XML file

(i.e., the reference integrity).

<bean id="sequenceGenerator"
<property name="prefixGenerator">
<ref local="datePrefixGenerator" />

There is also a convenient shortcut to specify a bean reference in the ref attribute of the

<bean id="sequenceGenerator"
<property> element.
<bean id="sequenceGenerator"
<property name="prefixGenerator" ref="datePrefixGenerator" />

But in this way, your XML editor will not be able to validate the reference integrity. Actually, it has the same effect as specifying the <ref> element’s bean attribute. Spring 2.x provides another convenient shortcut for you to specify bean references. It’s by using the p schema to specify bean references as attributes of the <bean> element. This can shorten the lines of XML configuration.

<beans xmlns=""
<bean id="sequenceGenerator"
p:prefixGenerator-ref="datePrefixGenerator" />

To distinguish a bean reference from a simple property value, you have to add the -ref suffix to the property name.