Spring IDE setup

Follow these steps to install java: QBW Install-java

Download and install Spring STS :Ecliples with Spring plugin: http://www.springsource.com/products/springsource-download-center

I downloaded: springsource-tool-suite-2.2.0.RELEASE-e3.5.1-win32-installer.exe (231.00 mb)

No need to install:

  • tcServer
  • dmServer

Once the installation is completed: get the latest updates.

(Remember to restart after each update)

Click Help, Check for updates.

Goto HELP -> STS Dashboard.

Install EclEmma (CodeCoverage) from the Extensions tab.

Install Apache Tomcat from the Configuration tab. (Tomcat will be installed in the root of Springsource.)

Don't forget the updates to STS.

Goto HELP -> Install new software.

Just in case you did not save it as a link:

STS welcome: http://www.springsource.com/products/sts/welcome?version=2.2.0.RELEASE&os=win32


You will also need the Spring JARs, as they are not included in the IDE.

Here is the Spring IDE software links: http://www.springsource.com/download/community

I downloaded version 3.0 here: spring-framework-3.0.0.RELEASE.zip (21.15 mb)

Let's give it a shot with our: Spring-Hello-World