Active MQ – Windows-NT Service

Here are the steps to install the ActiveMQ broker as an NT service:

  1. After download, Go to ACTIVEMQ_HOME/bin/win32
  2. Run InstallService.bat
  3. Modify bin/win32/wrapper.conf. Update ../.. and .. to physical path. (May not be needed except on VISTA).
  4. Modify C:\Users\DavidQ\Apache\ActiveMQ\apache-activemq-5.2.0\bin\win32\wrapper.conf
  5. # Log file to use for wrapper output logging.

    ## daq wrapper.logfile=%ACTIVEMQ_BASE%/data/wrapper.log


  6. Modify C:\Users\DavidQ\Apache\ActiveMQ\apache-activemq-5.2.0\conf\
  7. # File appender

    #daq log4j.appender.out.file=${activemq.base}/data/activemq.log


After runinng InstallService.bat, the ActiveMQ service should be added to the list of NT services. It is not started by default.

To verify, go to control panel -> administrative tools -> services and look for the ActiveMQ service. Here you can start the ActiveMQ service or configure it to start automatically every time the system boots.

To administer, navigate to http://localhost:8161/admin/

To remove the ActiveMQ service:

  1. Stop the service from running.
  2. Run UninstallService.bat