Python Developer’s Toolkit (using Standard Tools)

Problem Statement:

To be able to code WordPress, I need to understand Python

  • Python 2.7 deprecated in Jan 1, 2020, (drop support Jan 1, 2021)



Learn from online classes that have a focus on command line


Topics covered:

  • Installation
  • Managing Python packages with pip (dependency management)
  • VirtualEnv and VirtualEnvWrapper: isolated Python environments
  • Checking code quality with pylint
  • Python debugger
  • Generating documentation with Sphinx
  • Packaging and distributing you project


$> dos cmd prompt
>>> python prompt



Go to python download page to get your version.

Run the installer

That easy.


Managing Python packages with pip (dependency management)

Watch out – there is a lot of outdated info on the web.  Look here for packaging user guild: python-packaging-user-guide


To view packages:
$> python
>>>import sys
>>>sys.path // to view python path

['', '$\Python\Python38-32\', '$\Python\Python38-32\DLLs', '$\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib', '$\Programs\Python\Python38-32', '$\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages']

'' = current working directory
'$\Programs\Python\Python38-32\lib\site-packages' = location for 3rd party packages (debian will be call ‘dist-packages’)

How to create, distribute and install packages?

Python Packaging Authority (PyPA)

Use: setuptools (distutils is discontinued, merged with setuptoosl)

Easy_install is included in setuptools


Install Packages:

use: PIP  (from CMD line) for system wide, (not recommended, see next section VirtualEnv)

  • Python 3.4 and later is pre-installed (your good, nothing to do)
  • Pre 3.4 goto
    • Download and run
    • Open in Windows to run installer.


$>pip install requests
>>>import requests
>>>import requests==1.0 (for specific version)
>>>import 'requests>2.1' (for specific version, remember the quotes)
>>>import sys
>>>CNL+Z enter to exit
$>pip uninstall requests to remove a package (clean up)


PIP commands (from command line)

$>pip list (name and version)
$>pip show (location and dependencies)
$>pip search query ( )
$>pip freeze > requirements.txt (export list of currently installed packages to file)
$>pip install -r requirements.txt (install to new environments system what is in the file)
PyPi (cheese shop) Python Package Index
$>pip install flask (pip will also install dependencies: ItsDangerous Jinja2 MarkupSafe Werkzeug)

VirtualEnv and VirtualEnvWrapper: isolated Python environments

VirtualEnv – isolated environment with dependencies not crossing (no system wide packages cross impact


$>mkdir .virtualenvs (.virtualenvs is the standard name)
$>cd .virtualenvs
$>python -m venv amaze\venv (amaze is the project name [can be anything you want ie: dev, shadowforce])

/amaze/ (your project files/folders)
/amaze/requirements.txt  (enable rebuild of venv)
/amaze/venv  ( \venv is to segragate the virtual environment from the project to be excluded form source control)


(amaze) $>\.virtualenvs>

$> where python


$> deactivate (to stop using the project environment)

$> rmdir amaze /s (delete permanently)


Community & Code Quality

PEP : Python Enhancement Proposal

  • Provide information to the Python community or
  • Describe a new feature for Python

PEP8 : Style Guide for Python Code, and best practices

  • Code layout, readability
  • White-space
  • Comments
  • Naming convention


It’s about readability (if you don’t know the rules, it will tell you)

Indentation: 4 spaces per level

Max line length: 79 char

Blank Lines

  • 2 lines between top-level functions and classes
  • 1 line between methods inside a class


Use of spaces in expressions


  • Modules: short, lowercase names
  • Classes: Capitalized Naming
  • Functions and methods: lowercase_with_underscores
  • Non-public names start with underscore.


$>pip install pylint

pylint requires in the package folder you are checking

$> pylint amaze

$> pylint-gui Need to research why I could not get this to work…


Can ignore by typing the error type to a disable line in the code:

# pylint: disable=unused-argument
# pylint: disable=invalid-name


$> pylint --generate-rcfile to allow global changes


Python Debugger

Add to code:

>>> import pdb
>>> pdb.set_trace()

While in the debugger (lower case):

  • can type commands
    • self._x (will print _x value)
  • L = list, show current line
  • N = next, execute line, move to next
  • S = step, step down into next level
  • W = where, show call stack
  • C = continue, to next break point
  • R = return, step out of this level
  • B = break point, [file:]:lineno
  • H = help, Provides documentation
  • use arrows to recall commands

PyCharm (IDE w/debugger)



Standard tools for PDF & HTML

PEP257 – Semantics and conventions associated with Python docstrings.

Always surround with “””triple double quotes.””” and end with a period (can be multi line with same indent).

Standard tool “Sphinx” for documentation.


$>pip install sphinx

$>mkdir docs

$>cd docs


Answer yes to autodoc, the rest can be the default.


modify docs/index.rst to meet your needs

$>make html

Sphinx will tell you the output directory is: _build/html


Packaging and Distribution your project

  • setuptools
  • Upload to PiPy
  • Standalone EXE


Add file called with the below content:

from setuptools import setup
description='Maze gen',
packages=['amaze', 'amaze.demo'],
__author__ = 'Q'

$>python sdist
Two (2) directories will be created:

  • amaze.egg-info (can be deleted)
  • dist (the package we want to share)
    • will contain: amaze.tar.gz


Install in new virtenv with PIP:

$> pip amaze.tar.gz


Share with PyPi:

$> python register

Follow the instructions.


Now upload

$> python sdist upload sdist is source distribution.

Python is moving to bdist_wheel (need to research).


Share an execute
Update by adding:

'console_scripts': [





This was all about managing packages.  Not sure how much of this I will use on a daily basis, but it is good to know how.


Reference: (sample package by PyPA) Windows only  Multiple platforms